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Maths is essential in everyday life. It develops the ability to think logically and to order and organise our thoughts.

At Aldwyn, we provide a high quality, challenging and creative maths curriculum. Our whole school approach follows White Rose maths and incorporates The National Centre of Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). Aldwyn is part of the Turing North West Maths Hub. This five year project provides training and resources that give staff a strong focus on how to develop our pupil’s learning in Maths.

Problem solving and reasoning skills are at the heart of our approach to maths. We encourage the children to be independent and pro-active thinkers, developing the skills to help them make links, justify and explain their learning. Every classroom has a maths working wall, which aids children with their current learning.

Maths units are introduced through concrete, pictorial and abstract learning experiences. Giving the children the opportunity to use concrete resources (for example cubes, counters and bead-strings) allows them to investigate a concept first, and then make connections before formal methods are introduced. The pictorial stage is a visual representation of concrete resources, which is not only fantastic for visual learners but allows all pupils to show their understanding of mathematical concepts and processes. Concrete and pictorial learning experiences help to deepen the children’s understanding of new concepts, enabling them to apply their learning to become effective problem solvers.

Mental arithmetic skills are regularly practised. Children have the opportunity to learn arithmetic through games and online activities to stimulate high engagement. Times Table Rock stars is also used throughout school to enhance times table learning and is available for children to access at home.